Sunday, March 20, 2011

Now, I could have sworn I wrote another blog post sometime this week besides Monday. I must be dreaming that. Well, maybe its because nothing really exciting happened. Tuesday I ran errands. Wednesday I ran a 3.1 mile loop. Had trouble with my Garmin not locating a satellite so I didn't even bother with it. Thursday was a 4 mile run in 39:53. My faster 4 mile. Seriously.

Saturday was another amazing run at Carson Beach. This week we did 6 miles around the baseball field and Castle Island. As usual, I hit the potty at L Street Community Center so I wound up running with my teammate Gianna this week. We finished the 6.1 miles in 64 min.. Averaging about a 10:30 min/mile. A little slower than I have been running lately, but I wanted to run slowly this week (I may of had  a little too much wine at Momma Alice's the night before!) and I wanted to meet a new teammate. I was also happy because Gianna said when she runs by herself at home its about a 12 minute mile, where with me she was running much faster. The perks of group running! I was so proud. I also won a raffle for setting up a fundraising event - and got some lovely TC gear.

Today I hit the gym for a much needed strength session. One thing I always say about half training, I always slack on my strength training. I maintain my weight, but my body fat goes up, and I don't like that one bit. So I hit the weights today. Followed by my Sunday routine - coupons, shopping, open houses, catching up on the paper and my maggies. I love my Sundays.

Soy Milk - after my workout.
Lunch - egg & cheese on a whole wheat bagel before two open houses and grocery shopping/walmart run.
Dinner - roasted beet and goat cheese salad with chicken.

That's what I love about Sundays... :)

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