Thursday, April 7, 2011

Breaking The Vicious Cylcle


No Starch. No Lactose. No Sugar.
Not as hard as it sounds.

I have had luck on this diet in the past after I was first diagnosed, and after all the crap (Pun-Intended) I have been going through the last two months I’m ready to give it a shot again.

This actually all came about after a conversation with my mother over a week ago, (after a night of heavy partying on my part – I don’t recommend that for IBD patients).

Mom: “Call Dr.Cohen and refill your prescription”

Me: “All Dr.Cohen is going to do is want to see me and I don’t have the time to go in there.”

Mom: “But you have the time to spend all day drinking, the next day hungover all while in pain running to and from the bathroom. Makes sense.”

Me: “Well when you put it like that it sounds bad.”

Mom: “Is it worth it? Is it worth all the pain and the diarrhea? You should call your doctor, refill your script and go back on your diet.” Period.

Mom’s right. It’s not worth it. And then after talking to some team mates who are on SCD I put myself back on it. Now, I know dark chocolate isn’t on the “legal” list, but besides my 1 square a night, I’m pretty much lactose-, starch- and sugar-free for over a week.  My frequency has dropped to 5x a day and things are starting to look more normal. I’m still in pain and bleeding, but one step at a time.

My new food bible 

I ordered an SCD cookbook and tried a recipe from it the other night and it was wonderful. As soon as Whole Foods gets some almond flour in, I’m planning on trying to make SCD bread. But that’s another post for another time.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Dear Heartbreak Hill,

Pre-workout stretch
Dear Heartbreak Hill,

You don't scare me.
True I may not have just run 19 miles to get to you, but you aren't as tough as you think.
Last year, I ran Blue Hills.
Top that.


Yes, I truly mean that. We ran Heartbreak Hill this past Saturday and it was not as difficult as I had imagined. Now granted we had only run a mile previous to the start of heartbreak hill, so I can imagine what it was like for those who have run 19+ miles to get there. That would have been bad. But I still think the Blue Hills/ "BOSTON13.1" we ran last year during Team Challenge was way worse. Not just Chickatawbut (the overlook that looks down upon the city of Boston) - up and down twice, but the 1.5 steady incline beginning at mile 10. That one was the killer. Slow and steady and I think it took my 14 minutes to finish that mile.

I may have completed heartbreak hill, but it kicked my butt. After struggling with diarrhea all week running was not something i should have done. I was weak, dehydrated and I could tell. The 3 miles back I ran slower than normal and even threw in a few walking breaks. I am not superwoman and when i am sick I need to remember to slow down.

I have not run since Saturday as I am still struggling with symptoms. I am signed up for a 6k on Sunday so running on Saturday is out of the picture. I'm hoping I am better by Friday, or at least good enough for a decent run.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pray for Nana.

Over a week ago I complained of continuing flares, C-diff, and another ear infection.
Nothing has changed. Well, my ears are better (thanks to a lovely Dayquil/Nyquil combo prescibed by my Primary DOC since antibiotics are out of the picture).
*Note - my Prime-Doc then proceed to ask me to stop emailing him and come see him - sorry, I like email*

I got to see my GI-doc Friday afternoon. Because he "wanted to see how I looked and if I needed hospitalization." C'mon Doc, we all know I look good no matter what, what kind of question is that!
So after his approval, a new script for Vancomysin and a request for more lab work I was on my way.
The plan is to check for C-diff or see if what I am going through is a C-diff brought on IBD flare.
Still not too sure why my doc only requested c-diff cultures and not SED rates or anything, but I'm sure he is up to something.

All while I am trying to heal and figure out the best course of action for myself, I'm still training. But Thursday night's run was just not on the agenda for my body. After two stops again, Shira and I decided to head home. To cheer ourselves up Shira and I went to dinner that night. (Now remind you all this time I do not have my cell phone on me as i left it at my apt.) When I finally return home around 9 pm I have 3 missed calls from my mother. (And I thought she was just concerned about my health).

My Nana was in a bad car accident on Thursday afternoon. She has 5 broken ribs, a broken pelvis and a broken tibia right below the kneecap. She is 82. But broken bones heal. She was moved from ICU yesterday afternoon and is on the long road of recovery but we have a great family who will support her through it all. So that is why my normal Thursday & Saturday posts have been missing.
(I'm actually writing this at work in between inspection reports - to be posted later tonight)

Me and Nana Playing a game Easter a few years ago.

So I'm gonna close with how she always says goodbye to me. "Pray for Nana" and "Be good."
(where I say "I'm always good Nana" and she say "I know Kerri, you're a good girl.")
UPDATE: I talked to Nana over the phone and as I said goodbye - she told me to be good - she must be on the road to recovery.